We support the work of others.
10% of our profits are shared with our mission partners. Check out our veteran mission partners page to learn more about them. Events that support members of the military community that have invited to attend will receive 10% of that day's sales.
Roll Call board
Sign our Roll Call board in honor or memory of a veteran or active military member that you know. When our board is filled we will take a photo to archive your tribute. Check out our Facebook Page and other social media to see where we are each day.
BTW is committed to helping members of the military community and is raising money to build a coffee truck and give to a vetted veteran to operate his own business. You can contribute to this fundraiser through your purchase or by clicking here. Contributions for this project are tax deductable through the OPERATION STRONG MIND a 501 (C)3 dedicated to the wellness of veterans and their families.
Fleece Connection
Fleece Connection is always looking for businesses and organizations to host no-sew blanket workshops. These two hour workshops provide heavy weight blankets that are hand delivered to veterans at the VA, recovery hospitals, veterans and active military personnel.
Running with a purpose
Join us for events that honor and/or raise money for members of the military community.
Pittsburgh Half-Marathon 2017
beauty can be found anywhere
Grey Eagle Baghdad, Iraq 2017 Pictures taken by Ssg. Gary Vale